3.8.1. TURBOGE |
Contract no. 21-026 from 14.09.2007
The rise of energy’s efficiency of turboengines in cogenerative cycle using the pellicular cooling and special termoresistent covering |
3.8.2. MASCS |
Contract no. 21-071 from 14.09.2007
The rise of energy efficiency of the screw compressor instalations, using for powering a thermic engine with electronic command and using natural gases as fuel |
3.8.3. SRETS |
Contract no. 21-061 from 14.09.2007
Screw Turbine Recovery System of Power Energy from Natural Gas Results of Expansion Energy |
3.8.4. MEMOCEN |
Contract no. 21-056 from 14.09.2007
Modern ways to reduce the polution and to increase the efficiency of gas-turbine cogneration plants and turbo-compressors for natural gas |
Contract no. 21-052 from 14.09.2007
New ecological method to produce electric energy by extracting heat from deep wells |
3.8.6. NORA |
Contract no. 71-036 from 18.09.2007
Inner passenger cabin noise reduction using optimized fuselage structure |
3.8.7. ITACA |
Contract no. 81-027 from 18.09.2007
The Analysis and Control of Thermoacoustic Instabilities Inside the Combustion Chamber of an Aircraft Engine |
Contract nr. 51-043 din 14.09.2007
Instalatie de generare a cetii pentru protectia plantelor contra factorilor nefavorabili ai mediului, utilizand camere de ardere pulsatorie |
3.8.9. GAPP |
Contract nr. 51-063 din 14.09.2007
Generator de aerosoli pentru protectia plantelor impotriva bolilor si daunatorilor conceput si realizat pe baza tehnologiilor utilizate in industria aeronautica |
3.8.10. LEMLES |
Contract nr. 81-024 din 18.09.2007
Elaborarea, implementarea şi validarea experimentală pe un model funcţional original de cameră de ardere a unui algoritm de calcul numeric pentru simularea curgerilor turbulente – reactive complexe |
3.8.11. POSTCOMB |
Contract nr. 21-002 din 18.09.2007
Cercetari de realizare soft CFD si model functional original sistem postcombustie, cu validarea rezultatelor |
3.8.12. IQMD |
Contract nr. 71-077 din 18.09.2007
Sistem integrat CAD–CAM–CAE pentru piese cu forme complexe din structura turbomotoarelor |
3.8.13. NOVICOM |
Contract no. 32-163 from 01.10.2008
Research on establishing the causes to the increase noise and vibration level in technologic units as: regulation-measurement, pipe control units and natural gas compressors |
3.8.14. OPATAN |
Contract nr. 72-181 din 2008
Optimizarea aerodinamica a nacelei motoarelor turbopropulsoare in vederea cresterii sigurantei zborului si a reducerii nivelului de poluare |
3.8.15. SICOGEN |
Contract no. 22-108 from 2008
Integrated gas turbine-afterburner system to decrease NO x emissions and increase the efficiency of cogenerative plants working on gas fuels |
3.8.16. CCTIST |
Contract no. 59/CP/I2007 - from 12.09.2007
Research center - the development of innovative technologies for the realization of three-dimensional structures profiled in aerospace |
3.8.17. MANTITU |
Contract no. 22-114/2008
The increase of the energetic efficiency of the turboengines used in the cogenerative cycle by development of new advanced Ti-base materials and special surface coatings |
3.8.18. TESUPAV |
Contract no. 32-122/2008
Modern, performant, low-grade pollution technology destined to achieve hard surfaces for the aircraft components and turboengines used to produce energy |
3.8.19. COMCIP |
Contract no. 82-090/2008
Compressor with compression ratio greater than 9, in one stage |
3.8.20. COMDEM |
Contract nr. 22-117/2008
Cresterea eficientei si fiabilitatii instalatiilor de gaz COMbustie si DEMaraj pentru centrale cogenerative si grupuri turbocompresoare de puteri medii |
3.8.21. COMPREG |
Contract nr. 22-109/2008
Cresterea gradului de utilizare a resurselor energetice prin realizarea unei instalatii de comprimare pentru recuperarea gazelor naturale din spatiul inelar al sondelor petroliere |
3.8.22. SIPROV |
Contract no. 81-016/2007
Integrated security system for ventilation installations from strategical national interest buildings in case of chemical or biological attack |
3.8.23. SEDEG |
Contract no. 22-084/01.10.2008
Electricity production system from unused natural gas expansion |
3.8.24. METAXLE |
Contract no. 81 01/07/2014
Innovative new materials and technologies for metro trains axles and wheels Life Extension |
3.8.25. MCT200 |
Contract no. 54 01/07/2014
Microcentrala cogenerativa inovativa, de inalt nivel tehnologic, cu putere electrica instalata de 200kW |
3.8.26. HIDROCOMB |
Contract no. 76
- 01/07/2014
Combustion Chamber with Hydrogen-Natural Gas Mixture Fuel |
3.8.27. TURIST |
Contract no. 286
- 01/07/2014
Gas Turbine Using In Situ Combustion |
3.13. HeliAc PN III, Program 2 |
3.14. Programul PN III PED |
3.14. Programul PN III PED |