Project Summary
The project „The increase of the energetic efficiency of the turboengines used in the cogenerative cycle by development of new advanced Ti-base materials and special surface coatings” - acronym MANTITU, integrates perfectly in PN II at the prioritary field 2 – Energy, research direction 2.1 Lasting energetic systems and technologies; energetic security, research theme 2.1.3 The increase of the energetic efficiency on the entire energetic chain, with special accent on the reduction of the energy loss in the public and residential buildings and at the industrial consumers.
The objective of the project is ”the execution of an energetic system (the turbine which works in cogenerative cycle)” with characteristics superior to the actual ones (increased power and efficiency concomitant with the decrease of the fuel consumption) having in view to respect the principle of lasting development.
The specific objectives of the project are the development of new technologies and materials from the type of “titanium aluminide intermetallic alloys”, concomitant with a new type of materials and technologies destined to the thermal resistant surface coatings for Ti-base alloys.
Scopul proiectului este clar si bine definit, cresterea eficientei energetice a turbomotoarelor utilizate in ciclu cogenerativ la producerea energiei electrice, aburului si apei calde.
The goal of the project is clear and well defined – the increase of the energetic efficiency of the turboengines used in cogenerative cycle for the producing of electric energy, steam and warm water.
The increase of the energetic efficiency at the turboengines used in cogenerative cycle consists on one hand, in the increase of the turbine performances (power, efficiency), and on the other hand, in the decrease of the fuel consumption (natural gases), a decrease which leads to respecting the principle of lasting development concomitant with the reduction of the polluting emissions and thus, to the environmental protection.
The solution proposed by the Romanian researchers relies on the execution and utilization of some special Ti-base alloys, of an absolute novelty, titanium aluminide inter metallic alloys, for the execution of the turbines. In association with the utilization of surface coatings based on special adapted new generation techniques and using newly created materials for this type of application, we consider that the normal working temperature will be around 900 degrees C. The increase of the temperature correlated with the drastic decrease of the weight (to approx.50%), will register a significant increase of the turbine performances and thus, of the energetic efficiency.
At this moment the turbine blades are made of superalloys based on Ni and Co, these having good properties at high temperatures but their specific weight is high at very high rotations in use, their loading (the force which operates on the material) becomes unbearable. At international level special efforts are made in order to achieve some alloys based on titanium (a material with a specific weight approximately half of that of alloys based on Ni and Co) which can be used at high temperatures, especially at making turbine blades and rotors.
The only country which masters the technology of executing such materials is the USA which is testing at this moment different types of alloys. At European level have not been made yet important steps in this field, renown research institutes make special efforts to make consortiums able to involve in the research of this problem. With this project proposal we intend to tackle this problem in a viable flux achievable in our country: fundamental research – industrial research (establishing the alloy able to respond the demand), manufacturing of ingots – forging at semi-manufactured level blade – mechanical processing on equipments with numerical control in 5 axis – surface treatment and special surface coatings – manufacturing of turbine discs and their testing on the test stands from INCDT COMOTI – Bucharest.
In this structure the viability of the project is very high, Romanian partners being able to solve the problems that occur.
We consider the impact generated by the project really exceptional, mentioning here only that it is for the first time when there are executed and tested on test stands (which imitate exactly the operation conditions and can be simulated the damage conditions) the titanium blades at high temperatures.
The project is extremely complex, practically being a project of European level and importance, that is why the consortium met many times and analysed deeply all the details. A special attention was paid to the material, financial and human resources, dimensioning them with responsibility, in accordance with the necessities and activities from the plan of execution.