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Partitipation at National Programmes
3.8. PROGRAMME 4 - Partnerships in priority areas
General description | Detailed description | Results Presentation

Detailed description

Project’s summary

An important renewable energy resource is the soil energy. This has the great advantage that is spread evenly on the Earth surface and so can be accessed in any location. The temperature of that energy resource is in function of depth. From surface to 60 ... 100 m the average soil temperature is between 8 ... 15 ˚C. This resource it is exploited with heat pumps and can be used heating / cooling homes.

From inside the Earth to soil surface it is a permanently heat flow which causes a gradient temperature in such way that the temperature increase by 1 ˚ C to 33m, but in areas with anomalous temperatures this heat gradient is higher, reaching 4 to 8 ˚ C at 33mm. This phenomenon makes that starting from 1500 to 2000 m the soil temperature reach more than 100˚C.

In our country there are many deep geological research wells between 3000 and 7000m final depth and also abandoned wells of high depth (up to 4500 - 5000m) with exhausted petroleum resources.

The final aim of the proposal project is achieving a modular experimental facility for producing electric energy from depth wells heat extracted. This facility is working on RANKINE bases, the working fluid being organic /ammonia type (ammonia, water, isopentane and carbon dioxide mixture).

In general, the facility is composed from:

  • heat pump circulation;
  • vaporizer;
  • rebound turbine;
  • electric generator;
  • traffic control elements of the working fluid;
  • secondary fluid circuit to extract heat from the well.
The electric energy production in the facility proposed by the project is fully ecologic and the power achieved in the turbine is obtained by partial transformation of the heat extracted from deep wells into mechanical work. The proposal project is framed on the Kyoto Protocol due to the fact that this process does not emit pollutants or greenhouse gases. The facility described in the proposal project also can be used to exploit other energetic resources which have relative low temperature.

General objective

The main project objective is research on the system type “steam turbine” adapted to varied sources with low temperature. The installations obtain through this research are capable of operating in the industrial system due to the reliability proposed on the design stage.

The main objective is perfectly framed in the main objective of the Program 4 “ Partnerships in Priority Areas ” of “ Increasing the RD competitiveness by stimulating partnerships in priority areas, embodied in technologies, innovative products and services in order to solve complex problem and implementing mechanisms creation”.

Specific objective and estimated results:

  • the development of a general methodology for calculating the Rankine cycle with heat organic agent and defining the optimal cycle to obtain maximum performance;
  • setting general configuration of the installation;
  • calculation and design of the critical elements from the installation;
  • establishing the fabrication technology of critical elements from the installation;
  • installation methods and on-site commissioning ;
  • efficiency calculation of the installation;
  • validating the cycle calculation;
  • experimenting varied heat agents;
  • conducting comparative studies;
  • developing the automation system (mandatory system for the installations placed isolated from inhabited areas).

As priorities, the program aims to establish a consortium able to develop this research direction, even after the contract is finished. The contract ends with the validation of thermodynamic calculation of a Rankine cycle, and achieving a high reliability pilot installation, capable of operating in the industrial system, demonstrating the robust initial conception.

By disseminating research results, will be identified other units, companies, etc. able to undertake the manufacture - in high quality conditions - of the installation components, thus ensuring wide-scale and even nationally the energy recovery from sources with low temperatures, renewable or not.

Project Consortium

CO - - COMOTI - Romanian Research and Development Institute for Gas Turbines, Bucharest

P2 - - Ploiesti Oil and Gas University

P3 - - University “POLITEHNICA” from Bucharest – Mechanical Faculty

P4 - - COMOTI - Romanian Research and Development Institute for Gas Turbines, Bucharest - Micro Production

P5 - - University “POLITEHNICA” from Bucharest – THERMAL RESEARCH CENTER

The activities and responsibilities of each partner

CO – assuring the project management; elaborate studies regarding the current level ; develops the documentation for rebound turbine calculation ; participate at the calculation of strength and vibration of the turbine and gearbox; elaborates the CN programs for turbine; fabrication of the demonstrator; performing the stand tests and the necessary adaptations ; participate at the correction of the methodology calculation ;
P2 - evaluates the primary energy resource from great depth wells and determines his dynamics; heat exchanger from depth wells design ; participate at the setting configuration installation; evaluates the possible use of installation and opportunities to exploit some resources; participate at the correction of the methodology calculation ; participate at the results dissemination;
P3 - participate in developing the calculation report for the turbine, gear and related bodies; participate at the calculation of strength and vibration of the turbine and gearbox elements; establishing the materials which will be used at the turbine (rotor + stator), gearbox and couplings construction ; participate at the results dissemination;
P4 - participate in analyzing the current state of thermal fluids from the vaporizer circuit ; participate in analysis of experimental model configuration in terms of choosing the heat fluid flow from vaporizer.
P5 - participate in developing the rotor execution methodology; participate in establishing the rotor execution program

General description | Detailed description | Results Presentation

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