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About Activities Facilities Achievements Papers Team

Recent research papers

·   R. Carlanescu, Tudor Prisecaru, A.  Petcu Mangra, R. Kuncser, F. Florean, M. Enache - THE ANALYSIS OF THE COMBUSTION OF  PREMIXED METHANE-HYDROGEN MIXTURES STABILISED BY AN INOVATIVE SWIRL INJECTOR - Tenth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium-Naples, Italy, - september 2017

·     F.G. Florean, A.C. Petcu, I. Porumbel, G. Dediu, PIV Measurements in Low Noise Optimized Air Jet Pump Demonstrators, International Journal of Energy, Vol. 10, pg. 33-43, 2016, ISSN 1998-4316

·     A.C. Petcu, F.G. Florean, I. Porumbel, C. Berbente, V. Silivestru, Experiments regarding the combustion of camelina oil/kerosene mixtures on a burner, Energy for Sustainable Development Journal, Vol. 33, pg. 149-154, 2016

·     A.C. Petcu, R.E. Kuncser, M. Deaconu, C. Berbente, D.E. Crunteanu, Experimental research regarding the combustion of crude camelina oil in a furnace, Procedings of 24th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition (EUBCE 2016), pg. 1303-1308, produced and published by ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, 2016, ISSN 2282-5819, ISBN: 978-88-89407-165

·     A.C. Petcu, V. Pleșu, C. Berbente , Estimation methods for thermophysical properties of camelina sativa crude oil, U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series B, Vol. 78, Iss. 1, pg. 59-70, 2016, ISSN 1454-2331

·   E. Barbu, V. Vilag, J. Popescu, B. Gherman, A.C. Petcu, R. Petcu, V. Silivestru, T. Prisecaru, M. Crețu, D. Olaru, The influence of inlet air cooling and afterburning on gas turbine cogeneration groups performance, capitol 2 al  Gas Turbines – Materials, Modeling and Performance, INTECH, 2015, ISBN 978-953-51-1743-8

·   A.C. Petcu, R. Cârlănescu, C. Berbente, Straight and Blended Camelina Oil Properties, Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering - Proceedings of 5th International Conference on FLUID MECHANICS and HEAT & MASS TRANSFER, pg. 160-167, 2014, ISSN 2227-4596, ISBN 978-960-474-402-2

·    A.C. Petcu, C. Sandu, C. Berbente, Combustion of Camelina oil – kerosene mixtures in a micro gas turbine, Modeling and Optimization of the Aerospace, Robotics, Mechatronics, Machines-Tools, Mechanical Engineering and Human Motricity Fields, vol. 555, pg. 102-107, 2014, ISSN 1660-9336

·   I. Porumbel, A.C. Petcu, F.G. Florean, C.E. Hritcu, Artificial Neural Networks for Modeling of Chemical Source Terms in CFD Simulations of Turbulent Reactive Flows, Modeling and Optimization of the Aerospace, Robotics, Mechatronics, Machines-Tools, Mechanical Engineering and Human Motricity Fields, vol. 555, pg. 395-400, 2014, ISSN 1660-9336

·    I.O. Prah, A.C. Petcu, R. Cârlănescu, C. Sandu, M. Ermacora, M. Jaganjac, F. Tatzber, N. Zarkovic, Combustion of ecodiesel – kerosene mixtures in gasturbine testing rig, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference New Challenges in Aerospace Sciences in Bucharest, pg. 142-146, 2013, ISSN 2344-4762

·    A.C. Petcu, C. Sandu, C. Berbente, Numerical simulations of two-phase turbulent reactive flows, Proceedings of the 4th CEAS Air & Space Conference in Linksoping, pg. 736-741, 2013, ISBN 978-91-7519-519-3

·    A.C. Petcu, C. Berbente, C.Sandu, Perspectivele utilizarii biocombustibililor in turbomotoare, Conferința „Bioenergia în România”, ediția a-III-a, București, 07.06.2013

·    A.C. Petcu, B. Gherman, F.G. Florean, C. Sandu, I. Porumbel,  Numerical simulations of round turbulent jet flames, Nonequilibrium Processes in Plasma, Combustion and Atmosphere, pg. 395-401, 2012, ISBN 978-5-94588-121-1

·    A.Petcu, C. Sandu, G. Dumitrascu, Camelina oil – kerosene mixtures combustion,  COST Action CM0901 Detailed Chemical Kinetic Models for Cleaner Combustion, Scientific Report of the 3rd Annual Meeting, ISBN 978-619-160-036-6, pg. 128-130, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2012

·    I. Porumbel, F.G. Florean, A.C. Petcu, Articifial neural networks for reactive Flow simulation, COST Action CM0901 Detailed Chemical Kinetic Models for Cleaner Combustion, Scientific Report of the 3rd Annual Meeting, ISBN 978-619-160-036-6, pg. 81-83, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2012

·    F.G. Florean, A.C. Petcu, I. Porumbel, C. Sandu, C. Cârlănescu, G. Dumitraşcu, Experimental measurements in reactive and non-reactive turbulent flows, AIAA-2012-4271, 48th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit and 10th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2012

·    A.C. Petcu, Flow control through an airplane’s inlet device, Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN-13: 978-  3-8484-1576-2, 2012

·    A.C. Petcu, Photonic Crystals – Innovative Systems, Lasers and Waveguides. Chapter 4: The optical transmission of one-dimensional photonic crystals containing double-negative materials”, INTECH, ISBN: 978-953-51-0416-2, 2012

·     I. Porumbel, C. Carlanescu, A.C. Petcu, An embedded boundary algorithm for large eddy simulations in complex geometries, INCAS BULLETIN, vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012

·     V. Silivestru, C. Cârlănescu, I. Porumbel "Algoritm LES pentru simularea curgerilor turbulente reactive, The XXX "Stiinta Moderna si Energia" Conference, Cluj - Napoca, Romania

·     I. Porumbel, B. Gherman, F.G. Florean, C. Sandu "On the Influence of the Combustion Model on the Results of Turbulent Flames Numerical Simulations", ECOST-MEETING-CM0901-150910-002245, 2nd Annual Meeting Zaragoza, Spain.

·     I. Porumbel, C. Cârlănescu, V. Silivestru ""LES Algorithm for Turbulent Reactive Flows Simulation". 3rd CEAS Air & Space Conference, Venice, Italy.  

·     B. Gherman, F.G. Florean, C. Carlanescu, I. Porumbel "On the Influence of the Combustion Model on the Result of Turbulent Flames Numerical Simulations ", GT2012-69255, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark

·     F.G. Florean, J.A. Popescu, I. Porumbel, C. Cârlănescu, G. Dumitraşcu "Experimental Measurements and Numerical Simulations in Isothermal Turbulent Flows", GT2012-69377, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark  

·     F.G. Florean, A.C. Petcu, I. Porumbel, C. Sandu, C. Cârlănescu, G. Dumitraşcu "Experimental Measurements in Reactive and Non-Reactive Turbulent Flows", AIAA-2012-XXXX, 48th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit and 10th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA  

·     I. Porumbel, F.G. Florean, A.C. Petcu "Articifial Neural Networks for Reactive Flow Simulations", ECOST-MEETING-CM0901-150910-002245, 3rd Annual Meeting, Sofia, Bulgaria


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